Dr. Seuss Book Clubs,
Where Are You?

After conducting extensive research, I have found a total of zero Dr. Seuss Book Clubs promoting themselves online. This may be due to the primary age levels of his readers. However, the lack of clubs online does not mean that they don’t or can’t exist.

It may be that the clubs are localized and choose not to promote themselves with websites. If you are excited at the prospect of you and/or your young reader joining a Dr. Seuss Book Club, there are several avenues you can pursue at finding one in your local area. I am sharing two research tools that you can use to help you in your hunt for possible book clubs and events:

And of course, you can always initiate a Dr. Seuss Book Club. It is a great idea to get your young readers involved in a book club to engage them in the joys of reading. It can be as simple as inviting a few of their friends over to read a book followed by a fun activity.

I’ve incorporated a simple guide to starting a book club below:

  1. Gather Readers – you can ask friends, other parents, or even post a notice at your local library. It is a good idea to setup a method of contact for each of your readers, like email or a phone tree.

  2. Set Location & Time – location can alternate between homes or be set at a common place like a library, bookstore, or maybe even a school classroom. The set time should be a constant whether it be once a week or once a month it should be standard.

  3. Pick a Dr. Seuss Book – What if you run out of Dr. Seuss Books? You can expand out to all Beginner Books.

  4. Activity/Discussion – here is a link to some wonderful activities for young readers involving Dr. Seuss Books.

That’s it! You’re on your way to many great reads in your Seussational Book Club Adventures.

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